Civil liability

1- Holding a book reading competition in Khales Sazan company
2- Holding a contest to reduce plastic consumption in Khalas Sazan Company
3- Installing the speech of the week on the company’s bulletin board with cultural themes
4- Sending flower crowns to various cultural and social events
5- Arbor Day ceremony
6- Holding Women’s Day ceremony for personnel
7- Men’s Day gifts for personnel
8- Holding Labor Day ceremony and allocating gifts for personnel
9- Setting up a desk of publications in the company
10- Continuous operation of the company’s library
11- The activity of the company’s video club
12- Environmental advertising of the company and installation of cultural slogans and decoration of the company in national and religious ceremonies
13- Visiting patients
14- Attending the funeral ceremonies of colleagues and cultural and social people of the province
15- Attending economic, cultural exhibitions and etc.
16- Holding different sports competitions on different occasions
17- Holding a bell ceremony for workers’ sports in the company
18- Establishing Haft Sin table in the company
19- Allocation of Eid gifts on different holidays (Nowruz Eid, Eid al-Adha, Eid al-Fitr, Yalda, etc.)
20- Forming Telegram groups and channels and posting management, cultural and social content
21- publication of the magazine
22- Cooperation with charity associations in holding programs
23- Holding specialized family counseling courses for personnel
24- Visiting students, managers and other different sections of the society to company
25- Submitting materials to local publications in order to promote the general culture of the society
26- Cooperation with departments and organizations in holding joint programs
27- Holding various training courses for personnel
28- Organizing visits to other companies
29- Allocation of marriage allowance for personnel
30- Allocation of study leave for personnel
31- Allocating leave to personnel to take care of parents
32- Publication of 6 book volumes in cultural, economic and production fields
33- Joining about 200 company personnel in public libraries of the province
34- Allocating birthday gifts for company personnel and their spouses
35- Allocation of first child’s birthday gift for personnel
36- Ascent of the climbing group of Company to the highest peaks of the country